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Peter Koenig on source, money and consciousness
...Lisa Gill: Yeah, I'm kind of curious now, if listeners by this point, if perhaps some of them are fans of Frederick Laloux's book, 'Reinventing Organisations', they may already be squirming at some of the things we've talked about so far, because I know that when I first ...more
...e illustrator version of the book, and also now in some of his videos. What is your perspective on looking at source work in the context of Frederick Laloux's work in terms of orange and green, and teal? Peter Koenig: I'm not an expert on spiral dynamics, although I have a parallel system and I know, supe...more
...nd green, and teal? Peter Koenig: I'm not an expert on spiral dynamics, although I have a parallel system and I know, superficially. I love Frederick Laloux and his work. And actually, thanks to Tom who you've mentioned, he actually came the first time we met to one of my, I call, 'Source Days'; a day lon...more
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Edwin Jansen on how people adopt self-management at Fitzii
...n: Yeah, that's been really interesting. So I think we were eight or maybe ten people, four years ago when we started and we, like everyone, had read Laloux's book and were quite inspired by that and we had seen the challenges or the limitations, I like to say, of the 'Green, Orange' paradigm. And after r...more
... were quite inspired by that and we had seen the challenges or the limitations, I like to say, of the 'Green, Orange' paradigm. And after reading the Laloux's book we realised these are the limitations of the paradigm - if we shift the paradigm those limitations can be gone. And so we started off saying, ...more
...Lisa Gill: And how do you make decisions generally in Fitzii? What practices do you have for that? Edwin Jansen: Well, after reading Laloux's book we obviously started experimenting with the advice process and yeah, that obviously works quite well. One challenge there is people not intuit...more
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Lisa Gill and Mark Eddleston celebrate 50 episodes of Leadermorphosis
...e companies and organisations: the way we work together, the way we learn together. And around about that time, I read 'Reinventing Organisations' by Frederic Laloux, which I know is for many of the guests I have on the podcast, a real entry point to a lot of this stuff - sort of a gateway. And through that I met ...more
...ovement mature. And when I say that, I guess I'm talking mainly about Europe, where I think this movement is most active and most mature. I know that Frederic Laloux is trying to spread the movement more in the U.S at the moment, because that's where he's living, and I've just recently been in Australia and I know...more
...these ways of being and working together myself now for several years, but also the communities I'm in: a lot of people are, I guess, if you use like Frederic Laloux's terms, a lot of people have reached 'green', (you know, everyone should be equal and let's make decisions together), and I think people are bumping...more

Nand Kishore Chaudhary from Jaipur Rugs on love, collective consciousness and self-management
...you were crazy for starting a business in this way. And now you're entering into a new phase, as I understand it, where you're talking to people like Frederic Laloux, Doug Kirkpatrick, Miki Kashtan, and you're really interested in taking it to the next level in terms of self-management. And really kind of decentra...more
...I'm curious what else you've learned because I'm sure many people listening are perhaps even envious that you've spoken to some of my big heroes like Frederic Laloux and Doug and Miki, you mentioned what you've learned from Otto Scharmer, for example. Are there other key lessons that you've learned so far about se...more

Anna Elgh on self-managing teams and shifting conflicts at Svenska Retursystem
...ally when our partners at the Enneagram centre, they saw potential within SRS and they recommended us to read the book 'Reinventing Organisations' by Frederic Laloux and I know you interviewed him. And that was a real eye-opening for me because I didn't even know that these kinds of companies existed. And I realis...more

Jorge Silva on horizontal structures and participatory culture at 10Pines
...is not that everyone agrees, but they don't disagree with the proposal, and this is important. And we also use, sometimes, advice processes - like in Laloux's book. And we also use Loomio, for the menial decisions and the more imperative decisions. This is the first practice that is important for us. The...more

Amy Edmondson on psychological safety and the future of work
... Mike is continuing to do really interesting work in this domain. I’d say both of us were quite inspired by, and it’s not the first book we read, but Frederic Laloux’s ‘Reinventing Organisations’, and there are some very profound case studies in there. The self-managing organisation to me as a construct is much li...more