Pasteur Byabeza on transitioning to self-management at Davis College worth trying. So the next step was then to test that hypothesis. And based on the feedback we received with the early success of the new system in pilot circles, everyone at Davis College, and Akilah, was invited to transition into holacracy. That's how we disbanded the global cancer. We did away als...more
...Lisa Gill: So it sounds like you had some pilot teams initially. And it sounds like those went well. And then you took some bigger steps, like disbanding the Global Council and removing formal hier...more
Lisa Gill and Mark Eddleston celebrate 50 episodes of Leadermorphosis
...el talks about the cost of bureaucracy; it's not working anyway, so it's like, what have you got to lose? It's worth trying something, isn't it? Do a pilot, experiment with something. I think that's a key mindset shift - it's not about this kind of old way of thinking about change, where you change the w...more